Excerpt From Chapter 3
“This is the Lord's doing; it is marvellous in our eyes.”
(Psalm 118:23)
Divine Intervention 3 – Search Method For The Queen
The king’s servants recommended an empire wide search for a new queen. Their method “pleased” the king. Throughout history kings, royalty and powerful men forged and strengthened political, business and military alliances through the marriages of their sons, daughters and other relatives. Sometimes the arranged marriages involved written treaties and contracts. (I do not mean pre-nuptial agreements.) The marriages have occurred without the knowledge or even consent of the betrothed; especially the bride-to-be. It might have been a secret pact. While not publicized much in America, arranged marriages happen today, especially in other countries. The king decided that all pretty young virgins would be eligible. This opened the opportunity to peasants and nobility of all races from 127 provinces. As long as the king delighted in her he did not care about her origins.

Divine Intervention 4 - Mordecai In The Palace
Mordecai was a very prominent Jew who learned of the beauty pageant search for a new queen. It is implied that Mordecai had Esther enter the contest. Naturally, Mordecai was concerned for Esther’s welfare. She was his cousin. He raised her as his daughter. After she left his house and before he knew her outcome, he “walked every day before the court of the women’s house, to know how Esther did, and what should become of her.” (Esther 2:11)
Unquestionably, Mordecai prayed and trusted God to protect and bless Esther. God placed him in the palace at this time in history.